For ADIVAN it was necessary to design equipment for full satisfaction of the media production process. Anything less would have been cutting corners. Moreover it was the only real way of ensuring that all components satisified ADIVANs rigorous quality standards for reliability and performance. In fact, the ADIVAN Development Team’s uncompromising approach to design has led to a number of innovative equipment.
DVD Tester
With higher density discs and copy protection concerns, maintaining tight control of technical properties and content is vital at every stage of the manufacturing process, from the earliest stages of pre-master content verification through to the final disc manufacture. Measuring is performed using drives where the disc is played and the information is then extracted and processed “electrically”. No more black magic! The DVD testers from ADIVAN analyse all the important quality values of a silver disk. Analysers with different complexities intended for different formats and production needs are available for media and stamper analysis.
For further information, please download our product information sheet.
DVD-Tester Brochure (305 KB)
DVD-Tester Brochure (Russian) (306 KB)